Log in to manage your Growfigs here:
Great fun and costs no money. Totally simple to use.
Get your own mini Growfig pet to add to your signature or make your avatar when posting on forums or even to add at the end of e-mail messages, or just to have hanging around your web site or myspace page.
Growfigs look like this:-
They need feeding, cleaning and playing with to keep them healthy. You can watch them grow automatically from an egg, through 5 stages of development. See how many days you can keep your Growfig pets alive, show off to your friends. Try to find your pets' favourite food to earn owner points and Growgold. Design your own Growpets using your own pictures. Lots of features coming soon, including, pet dating/breeding, Growgold trading and much more.
For more information please e-mail support@growfigs.com or send a message to flyboy on tamacraze101 or angel flyboy on tamatalk.